234 (0) 803 664 9745
Port Harcourt
DTS GLOBAL CONCEPT LIMITED does not engage in the process know-how but concentrates on procuring specified parts at the lowest possible cost in the shortest possible time. This protects and process know how explains why DTS GLOBAL CONCEPT LIMITED does specialize in any particular industry.
All industrial plant operate with various machines and equipment made by different companies. All machinery and equipment consists of components and parts also often made by different companies in different countries. This complicated structure turns spare parts logistics into a problem of major proportion. Ideally, every industrial venture would purchase each part from its place of manufacturer. This would lead to the lowest price, the shortest delivery time and a guarantee of the same quality to that originally installed. However, such a procedure involves enormous, unacceptable costs.
We also engage in supply of Digital Electronic Machines and Equipment for domestic and industrial use. Our Spare-Parts-Service-System is designed to offer the advantage of purchasing from the original place of manufacture while avoiding the negative implications. To make the system work, our industrial clients are asked to provide as much technical data as necessary to identify the origin of each part. We are ready to provide organizational assistance to obtain the required details with the least administrative efforts.
It is the prime objective of DTS GLOBAL CONCEPT LIMITED to render a reliable spare parts and services to its industrial clients and thus to contribute to the high productivity. In support of this objective a special EMERGENCY SERVICE is available, should a key production machine fall idle because of a missing part.
DTS GLOBAL CONCEPT LIMITED in its Group of Companies has a consulting arm that offers advice for the design, implementation and operation of modem spare parts logistics. This includes provisioning, supply support, warehousing and stock management. Advice is available from the planning stage of an investment during the-whole life cycle of plant and equipment.
Our duty is to take the stress out of international spare parts logistics for your reputable organization.
In support of this objective a special EMERGENCY SERVICE is available, should a key production machine fall idle because of a missing part.
HOMAT HOUSE, 10 Trans-Woji Road, Woji Town
Port Harcourt
© 2022 DTS GLOBAL CONCEPT LIMITED. All rights reserved.